
Sunday 7 July 2019

Death and vaccines

Healthcare is for people, not profits

Another anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist, I hear you cry! Well I prefer the term controversy-analyst, pro-science and anti-bullshit. And the "scientific" facts on vaccines are covered in bullshit. Albeit persistent bullshit cloaked in scientific-sounding language where many theories and assumptions are presented as truth.

Desperate measures against freedom. So much for philanthropy, Bill!

I want to take this opportunity to remind everyone of a quote by former US president, George W. Bush Jr., who said this on live television:

"Money trumps peace."

If money trumps peace, you can be sure that it trumps health.

Everyone should question science's dogmatic view on vaccines, simply because the very act of questioning has become blasphemous. When science refuses to answer real questions and censors valid concerns, alarm bells should ring loud and clear. Science is about the pursuit of knowledge. Today the method depends mostly on observation and measuring details of the material aspects of life. We have to step back and appreciate that there is more to life than just physical, visible matter. Quantum physics has shown that matter is an illusion. Everything is energy and energy is life. Energy is the vibration of particles and waves that surround us everywhere, every day. We live in a sea of frequency, yet the world is experienced as solid to the limited human senses. We are electromagnetic beings that exist far beyond just the biochemistry and physical outline of our body.

Science has been able to show how our emotions affect our physical body through stress, undermining the immune system and our capacity to maintain health. This begs the question, how can the 200-year-old method of vaccination not be debated in light of emerging discoveries, not to mention simply by observing the amount of injury it has caused? There are hundreds of thousands of vaccine-injured people out there, if not millions worldwide. Though seriously underreported, the statistics from the US Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System speaks for itself. From 1990 to June 2017, over 650'000 reports have been filed, and if the time has been taken to fill out the forms, it is rarely for just a fever or a case of a sore arm. Over US$ 3 billion have been paid out to thousands of families to compensate for damage. From 2007-2017, 207'000 of those reports were after the HPV vaccines, 298 of which involved death following vaccination. Correlation does not imply causation, but it certainly warrants a thorough and open investigation. Japan halted their HPV school vaccination programme after reports of severe side effects from the vaccine. Here would be the reminder the vaccine manufacturers do not pay for damages and have no liability for vaccine safety. Many vaccines have been taken off the market in the past, proving that the safety clinical trials of the manufacturers were far from satisfactory. Thousands of parents have experienced watching their healthy and normal children regress following their vaccines; losing speech, eye-contact, social interaction and developing severe behavioural problems. The sheer volume of cases describing post-vaccine damaged children should make us step back and ask ourselves if we really know what we are doing when we artificially stimulate the immune system to build memory cells. We are told injury occurs only 1 in 1,000,000, but the reality is closer to 1 in 1,000, with severe events like seizures and auto-immune disorders affecting an estimated 1 in 10,000 in the USA, a country with one of the most aggressive vaccination schedules in the world.

I never questioned vaccines. Back in the days, I followed mainstream thinking and took what I was taught as truth. We eradicated smallpox and polio thanks to vaccines, right? My experience was limited and my understanding moulded by society. I simply believed most of what I learned in school and heard on the news. The last decade has brought an expansion of knowledge and understanding, leaving in its wake an incredible freedom and some shocking realisations. It is not easy to swallow and you have to get past the cognitive dissonance, but have the courage to at least look for yourself. Do not be bullied or fooled into thinking you are not smart enough the understand the science. You might not be interested enough, but if you have kids and love them, you should be!

Having researched extensively these last 15 years on nutrition, health, disease, media, industry, society, science and history, my deep dive into vaccine science was truly frightening and enlightening. This is my experience and I will never try to push it upon anyone else as truth, as everyone has to made up their own mind, using their intuition, discernment, observation skills and inquisitive mind, but it became crystal clear to me that there are some serious failing mechanisms in society and that lasting change needs to be implemented, especially in medicine. The business of health care is a costly one. After all, what is our most important asset? Our health. Pollution of the soul, body, heart and mind occurs daily at every level of our life and if we do not take charge to evacuate this toxicity and limit exposure, disease is bound to manifest itself. 

Based on my personal experience and observation, it seems clear that pharmaceutical companies are not in the business of healing. It simply would not be a profitable business model. And they are not accountable for the safety of their vaccines as they have been given total immunity for liability for any damage they may cause. The majority of people who work within health may be genuinely caring, compassionate and kind people, but are limited by their resources and by the belief systems that drive them into propagating the myth that modern medicine is the only answer to healing. If it isn't mainstream modern science gospel, than it's crazy bullshit or quackery. We tend to ridicule people who step out the box and of course most folks hate to be ridiculed or dismissed, especially in public. Pride and ego is fierce. 

Pharmaceuticals, bio-technology and food corporations are disturbingly connected, with immense power within the government to influence policy and law-making. People can be easily corrupted by money. The really good ones will resist, but even they can be lured or blackmailed into the dark side, seduced and mesmerised by the promise of status, wealth and power.

My experience showed me that many people working within the system are wonderful, but are often limited and stressed, underpaid and frustrated. When I was in the hospital ward visiting family, a young doctor broke down crying because he could not deal with the pressure and responsibility. Not enough nurses, not enough money and too many sick people. There are simply too many different diseases attacking people. And have you noticed how language used concerning health, disease and even our body is a military language? We speak of fighting, invading, attacking, destroying and eradicating, instead of language that supports the notion of healing, nourishing and strengthening. The body has the capacity to heal itself didn't you know? It seeks harmony and survival, not war and annihilation.

It seems clear that public health struggles to provide adequate care, while pharmaceutical companies make billions in profit, rarely placing that profit into preventative health measures in the community – unless the health measures consist of technology like vaccines, sophisticated enzyme-inhibiting drugs or mammograms which irradiate well-doing, maybe somewhat-paranoid women out there who get one yearly. The sicker we are, the richer they get. It's simple really and an excellent business model at that. Make sure to create a co-dependent relationship with a service of maintenance, instead of healing. Now medicine in itself is a wonderful thing – the idea that a substance can heal. However today allopathic medicine mainly covers up symptoms without addressing the root cause. Medicine can be a life-saving intervention in an emergency and provide a crutch when needed to alleviate symptoms, but it never resolves the underlying condition that is causing the problem. 

Emergency medicine is fantastic thanks to the humans who are passionate and skilled enough to fix people when they are broke. I know first-hand as at age ten I danced with death following an accident with a dog. I was looked after and stitched back together by an amazing Lebanese reconstructive surgeon who just happened to be on call that Sunday afternoon. Without the emergency services; the ambulance driver, the doctor and my massive blood transfusion, I would be not be here today, so I have a high respect and admiration for emergency medicine. However I am acutely aware that vaccines are given to healthy populations and are controlled by the pharmaceutical industry and government, which is composed primarily of politicians, economists and businessmen, not doctors.

The modern medical marvel that is vaccination, has been hailed as medicine's greatest achievement, one that should not be questioned. It has saved millions of lives and has been scientifically proven to be safe and effective, so say the government and health officials. Those same officials buy these products and sell it to us by instigating fear, leading us to believe that they alone will save us from horrible diseases, like measles and whooping cough. Not only are you protecting yourself, but you are participating in an act of solidarity. By not doing so, not only are you endangering yourself, but also others! Go Guilt Go! It's a fantastic marketing and communication strategy, highly effective and very manipulative. Never is there the discussion of natural non-invasive treatments that alleviate symptoms of these diseases (high-dose vitamin C, magnesium chloride, non-inflammatory nutrition etc...) Nor is there a real discussion on the founding theory upon which vaccination has built itself; the notion that the level of antibodies in the blood is an indication of protection from the disease. This very theory, when thoroughly investigated and analysed, does not hold water. It never did and the science to back it up is flakey at best. That is a strong allegation and accusation, however it is based on the fact that there are numerous studies that display people with high levels of antibodies in their blood to a specific disease, still died of the disease. There are few studies that truly can establish antibodies as the only arm of the immune system by which it defends itself from disease. Again little research funds are attributed to truly understanding what keeps us healthy and the affects of infectious diseases in the long term. Getting sick is the body's way of throwing off toxins, and interfering with a process we still know little about is dangerous, negligent and irresponsible.

When it comes to vaccines, I decided to do my own research. Over the last 30 months I have spent over 1000 hours investigating vaccines; in libraries, on the computer; talking to people and generally analysing the scientific information available. I have a friend who works on vaccines and has a PhD in Immunology, but still refuses to acknowledge the science that highlights the dangers of vaccines. In my view, she is a great example of someone stuck in a rigid belief system, afraid to peak at the evidence, though she nonetheless has a genuine desire and conviction that she is helping people. There are too many good people who are brainwashed, conditioned and controlled, unable to step back and look at the puzzle pieces, which when put together leave an ugly image of ignorance, arrogance and conflicts of interest, where healthcare has been hijacked by financial interests, massive egos and corporate greed. 

Wake up and smell the bullshit people! 
Don't be afraid to do your own research and follow your heart!

Sunday 25 February 2018

Anti-vaccine history

For those of you who believe the anti-vaccine movement begun in the last few decades, think again. Find below the non-exhaustive list of historical publications, written by esteemed doctors, surgeons, scholars, researchers and scientists. Vaccination failure had been observed since 1818 and the anti-vaccine movement begun shortly after compulsory vaccination laws became enforced. Despite this, it is only since the late 1980s, early 1990s that adverse effects began to be officially registered through a centralised system.

Do your own research and don't be fooled into thinking that every anti-vaxxer is anti-science.
"When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic."
– Dresden James (1931-2008)

The Story of A Great Delusion / 324 pages
William M. White

"The promise of vaccination, its absolute security and harmlessness, was speedily belied (disproved). The vaccinated caught smallpox; they fell sick after the operation; they were afflicted with eruptions and swellings; they died. These mishaps were at first denied—stoutly denied; and when denial was no longer possible, it was attempted to explain them away."

Encyclopaedia Britannica – 9th edition – Vol XXIV 
Charles Creighton M.A., M.D.

"The risks of vaccination may be divided into the risks inherent in the cowpox infection and the risks contingent to the puncture of the skin. Of the latter nothing special requires to be said;; the former will be discussed under the five heads of (1) erysipelas, (2) jaundice, (3) skin eruptions, (4) vaccinal ulcers, and (5) so-called vaccinal syphilis."

Leprosy and Vaccination / 124 pages
William Tebb

"Dr. John Murray, Inspector- General of Hospitals London, in a communication to Dr. P. 5. Abraham, Secretary of the National Leprosy Fund, June 9th, I 890, says: “I consider that it (leprosy) is communicable from the sick to those that are well, probably through a broken surface, as an ulcer or wound, and that it may be communicated by inoculation.”

Jenner and Vaccinations – A Strange Chapter of Medical History / 376 pages
Charles Creighton M.A., M.D.

"When vaccination was passing through a storm of adverse criticism during the smallpox epidemic of 1805, Jenner wrote to one of his friends, that nothing of that kind ever shook his faith in cowpoxing."

Vaccination – Proved Useless & Dangerous from 45 years of registration statistics / 54 pages
Alfred Russell Wallace LL.D. D.C.L. OXON., F.R.S.

"On careful inspection it will be seen that on three separate occasions a considerable increase in vaccinations was followed by an increase of Small-pox. Let the reader look at the Diagram, and note that in 1863 there was a very great number of vaccinations, followed in 1864 by an increase in Small-pox mortality."

History and Pathology of Vaccination – Vol I & II / 1000+ pages
Collection of essays edited by Edgar M. Crookshank, M.B

“I found that both official and unofficial vaccinators were completely occupied with the technique of vaccination, to the exclusion of any precise knowledge of the history and pathology of the diseases from which their lymph stocks had been obtained.”

The Vaccination Question 
Arthur Wollaston Hutton M.A.

"Here is a question which even the Lancet admits to be "difficult and momentous." There have always been medical men disbelieving in vaccination, and their number to-day is rapidly increasing all the world over."

A Century of Vaccination and what it teaches / 466 pages
Scott Tebb, M.A., M.D., D.P.H.

"....the efficacy of this operation has been called in question by competent men, while its risks, so long denied, are now on all hands admitted. Can it be said that the Jennerian doctrine of vaccination has ever been placed on a truly scientific basis?"

Vaccination A Delusion – Its Penal Enforcement a Crime / 47 pages
Alfred Russell Wallace LL.D. D.C.L. OXON., F.R.S.

"....a large portion of the medical profession accepted, as proved, that vaccination protected against a subsequent inoculation of small-pox, when in reality there was no such proof, as the subsequent history of small-pox epidemics has shown."
Compulsory Vaccination: a curse and a menace to personal identity / 344 pages
J.M. Peebles M.D., PhD

“The vaccination practice, pushed to the front on all occasions by the medical profession, and through political connivance made compulsory by the state, has not only become the chief menace and gravest danger to the health of the rising generation, but likewise the crowning outrage upon the personal liberty of the American citizen.”

The Vaccination Superstition
John W. Todge

The Protest of an Anti-vaccinist
Edwin Cox

A Summary of the Proofs That Vaccination Does Not Prevent Smallpox but Really Increases It
Alfred Russell Wallace LL.D. D.C.L. OXON., F.R.S.

The Fallacy of Vaccination / 16 pages
John Pitcairn

Leicester: Sanitation Versus Vaccination / 141 pages
J.T. Biggs

The Crime of Vaccinations
Dr. Tenison Deane

"Bacilli are the product and not the cause of any disease. To claim that a bacillus is the cause of a disease, that it is the specific bacteria producing a special disease, is preposterous. Bacilli are found everywhere in every kind of dead and decomposed organic matter. "

Truth – Sanitation v. Vaccination
Dr Walter Hadwen J.P., M.D., L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., L.S.A.

"I should imagine that he (Jenner) was one of those unscientific researchers who, like the spiritualists, are on the look out for facts to fit their theories, instead of first making sure of their facts. His methods were those of the quack, but of the self-deluded quack. But how any real scientist can accept his theories to-day seems astounding, except under the supposition that they have been supported by later and more conclusive experiments."

And that is just a selection from before 1930!

"It is pathetic and ludicrous to say we ever vanquished smallpox with vaccines when only 10% of the population was ever vaccinated."

– Glen Dettman A.M.M., BA, Ph.D.

Professor McIntosh remarked in the Lancet in 1926:
"Scientifically it cannot be disputed that from every point of view the injection of virus capable of multiplying in the body of the individual is bad."

A BIG THANK YOU to, the internet, medical journals and all the first-hand account testimonials.

Friday 8 September 2017

What is life?

"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.”

– Confucius

If you are reading this, you are alive, human and experiencing life. You are a living, breathing organism who feels emotions, thinks thoughts and holds on to beliefs, interpreting a reality through filters of perceptions that have developed since your birth. You have your life story and unique identity, or ego, just like everyone else.
Just like snowflakes, no two humans are identical, even twins.
We are one-of-a-kind yet all the same. Praise the paradox! 

Life is an experience
We mortal humans are here to feel emotions, think thoughts and learn lessons daily. They can be repeated in different forms until they are understood. There is not necessarily any meaning other than the what you decide to attribute to it.

Life is a school

Everyday in the informal, full-time school of life there is an opportunity to learn and to grow. We learn more and more about ourselves and the world around us every day, if we are pay attention. Through suffering we often obtain some of the best lessons and opportunities for positive change.

Life is the moment between birth and death
Time is just an illusion, and what we perceive as linear is actually cyclical. What we count in seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years and decades is simply a succession of moments that make up our memories and the story that is our life. The only real moment is the present.

Life is a story
Everyone is essentially the same, yet no single individual holds the same story of their existence. Similarities indeed are present between our collective narrative, yet our story and experience of life remains unique, contributing to the story of humanity.

Life is a journey
It is not about where you go, as we are all heading for the same destination; death. It is about how you get there; the people you meet, the situations you experience, the emotions you feel, the places you explore, the decisions you make and the actions you take.

Life is a process
Everything is in perpetual movement. All cells in our body are constantly interacting and exchanging biochemical information to maintain life. Parts of our body are breaking down while others are building up. There is no moment where our body is not being active in the process of living.

Life is a blessing
Despite the ups and downs, we can be grateful to be able to experience life as a human being. If we can cherish our existence and that of all other living beings, there would be a lot less suffering for everyone.

Life is energy
We are surrounded by universal life force, some call Qi, Chi, Prana, universal consciousness or electromagnetism. It is invisible yet omnipresent and infinite. Ultimately everything is energy! It is what you do with it that counts.

Essentially life is open to interpretation. There is no wrong answer as what you make of life is entirely up to you!

Wednesday 23 October 2013


Most of us in Switzerland have the luxury of not having to worry about putting food on the table. We can drive around in our comfortable cars, live in our quality homes, eat good food, drink clean water and breathe fresh air.

The profit-hungry corporations would like to make every part of our life a commodity that needs to be bought. Water is already much owned and controlled by the corporations – thanks Nestlé and Coca-Cola – and if they could have it their way, they would probably bottle up the oxygen and sell it to us, in the belief that everything needed to survive as a human being should be bought using money.

Anyone interested in how our world functions should be aware of what is controlling our lives and discreetly dictating our choices.

I would describe a commodity as a form of energy, in the form of food or raw materials. Pretty much everything we use in our daily lives is linked to the trade of commodities. Their price also affects our daily lives, though we may not be aware of it. Most people understand that the price of crude oil influences the price they pay for transportation, but do they realize the effect it has on the production and trade of all other commodities? For the 3 billion plus poor people on this planet, commodity prices determine if they will go to sleep hungry or not. Below is a list of the major commodities.

The following commodities are mined and on the market are referred to as hard commodities:

Energy / Fuel
– Crude Oil
– Natural Gas
– Coal
– Electricity

Minerals / Metals
– Sand
– Salt
– Steel
– Gold
– Silver
– Palladium
– Platinum
– Aluminum
– Copper
– Nickel
– Uranium
– Lead
– Zinc
– Tin

These commodities are grown and on the market are referred to as soft commodities

– Soybean
– Corn / Maize
– Wheat
– Rice
– Sugar cane
– Coffee bean
– Cacao bean
– Tobacco
– Pork
– Poultry
– Beef

Raw materials
– Cotton
– Rubber

Let us not forget that not so long ago, human slaves were traded like commodities. Sadly it still exists in the shadows, the victims being mostly children and women for the labour and sex trade.

Below is a collection of infographics found online that present information relating to commodities and trade. They are created by a various number of different sources and it's always noteworthy to mention that they may have an agenda in the message put forth. Always question the source!

Tuesday 22 October 2013

food pyramids

The subject of food is massive that one could probably spend a lifetime researching this incredibly important subject. With poor lifestyle choices being finally recognized as a significant cause to the plethora of diseases affecting the developed nations, there is a wealth of information on food and proper nutrition. However, navigating through this massive volume of information is daunting. 

To help us better understand food groups and the quantities needed, a Swedish lady called Anna Britt Agnsäter came up with the food pyramid idea in 1972 and two years later the first food pyramid was published. For an interesting website on food pyramids, check this out!

I have selected a number of food pyramids and placed them below. It's rather interesting to see how information conflicts depending on who is presenting it. Note to self, always be suspicious of food pyramids with branded products....

Below are listed the food pyramids in the following order:
  1. Non-Vegetarian 
  2. Vegetarian and Vegan 
  3. Anti-Inflammatory
  4. Special Diet
  5. Guidelines issued by government bodies, corporations and associations
At the very end is some random food pyramid information collected.

1. Non-Vegetarian Food Pyramids

My Personal Favourite Food Pyramid

Harvard University Food Pyramid
© Food Standards Agency – Food Eat Well Plate
© WebMD Food Plate
The Ideal Food Pyramid
© ExHealth Food Pyramid
Singapore Food Pyramid
© Full Potential LLC.
© 2009 Oldways Preservation & Exchange Trust – George Middleton

© 2011 Oldways Preservation & Exchange Trust – George Middleton

2. Vegetarian and Vegan Food Pyramids

The Vegan Food Pyramid
© San 4 Art Designs – Sherri Nestorowich
 © Ideal Food Pattern –
Raw Vegan Food Pyramid
The Raw Food Pyramid © Bob McCauley
© 2009 MedicineNet. Inc.
© Vegan Raw Diet

3. Anti-Inflammatory Food Pyramids

Dr Weil's Anti-Inflammatory Food Pyramid
from Julie Daniluk's book "Meals That Heal Inflammation"

4. Special Diet Food Pyramids

© Dr. Fuhrman's Immunity Boosting Food Pyramid
Low carbohydrate Food Pyramid
The Paleolithic Food Pyramid
DASH – Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension
DASH Diet Food Pyramid
The Atkins High Protein Food Pyramid
© Société Suisse de Nutrition – Recommendations for Athletes
© Anishinaabe Centre – Defeat Diabetes Program
Rapid PT – USAF's Physical Training – Food Pyramid

5. Food Pyramids by Corporations – Associations – Governments

© Nutritional Guidelines for Filipinos – Food & Nutrition Research Institute
© Nestlé Beverage Pyramid
© Nestlé Malaysia Food Pyramid
© Nutrition for Australia

USDA Food Pyramid

© USDA Food Pyramid for Children

Food Pyramid © Nestlé Trinidad & Tobago
© Société Suisse de la Nutrition

Random Info on Pyramids

Food Pyramid Explained

Portions from the Food Pyramid

Children Advertising Food Pyramid